Student Spotlight: Madeline Jacobson

By Madeline Jacobson, a student of MA program in Maritime Civilizations, 2019-2020 Cohort.

“Hello! My name is Madeline Jacobson and I am from Michigan in the United States. I am twenty two years old and just graduated last May from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. My bachelor’s degree is in classical archaeology with a minor in Judaic studies and museum studies. Having travelled to Israel four times prior, I was looking for ways to come back here. However, this time I wanted to come back as a student and an active participant in society rather than a tourist. One Google search later and I found myself glued to the University of Haifa International Masters in Maritime Civilizations web page. 

The city of Haifa was never a city on my radar until I found this program. I could not be happier with my decision. Located right in-between the Carmel Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea, Haifa provides a fun and unique playground for school trips and other activities. After I complete my degree, I am planning on staying in Israel for a while to either write a thesis, do a second masters, or potentially make aliyah.”

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