Student Spotlight: Jennifer Oliver

By Jennifer Oliver, a student of MA program in Jewish Studies, 2017-2018 Cohort. As a librarian and middle school English literature teacher in America, I was surrounded by books about people who had traveled this world and experienced astounding adventures. In my mind, I journeyed with these bold characters page after page; but in reality, I remained in…

Opening Dinner for Students in Dalyat El-Carmel

Last week, the teachers and students of the International MA in Israel Studies and the International MA in Jewish Studies programs, enjoyed a shared dinner to celebrate the beginning of the 2017-18 academic year. As always we met at a private house in Dalyat El-Carmel, the Druze village south of Haifa to eat a homemade…

From Parchment to Webpage: A Digital Database for the Dead Sea Scrolls

Blog post written by Dr. Micha Perry, head of the international master’s program in Jewish Studies, on creating a digital searchable database of 2000 year old Dead Sea Scrolls. A new international project led by Dr. Jonathan Ben Dov (Department of Bible, International M.A. program in Jewish Studies, University of Haifa) aims to created a…

A Look Inside Jewish Studies: Kabbalistic Divinity Maps

Cosmological Forests: Kabbalistic Divinity Maps – article written by Jewish Studies Program Coordinator Dr. Micha Perry (A unique project under the direction of Dr. J. H. Chajes of the Department for Jewish History at the University of Haifa) What’s an Ilan? Any synoptic diagrammatic presentation of kabbalistic cosmology. The basic graphical forms could range from the…