Student Spotlight: Nicole Constantine

By Nicole Constantine, a student of MA program in Maritime Civilizations, 2016-2017 Cohort. My name is Nicole and I’m a 23 year old student in the International Master’s program in Maritime Civilizations. The MA in Maritime Civilizations is a uniquely interdisciplinary program that educates its students in underwater and coastal archaeology, Mediterranean history, geology and oceanography….

Sea Us

By Ariel Polakoff, a student of MA program in Maritime Civilizations, the cohort of 2015-2016. Just off the coast of Israel, the Mediterranean Sea is a clear blue with small rolling waves continuing their endless pattern heading towards the shore. Divers are floating in a circle at the surface of the water preparing to go…

Sea us on Excavation

“…As classes finished in June, we were looking forward our field work at the beautiful site of Tel Dor…”

Sea us | In Class

The University of Haifa’s Maritime Civilizations International Masters program is a unique and intensive program that has given me the opportunity to learn about maritime activity and the sea through both a humanities and a scientific lens.